Ar de Natal - Souvenir Lata de Ar - Canned Air From Natal

R$ 15,00
Canned Air from Natal

Air from Natal
Bring a cheerful, welcoming atmosphere, full of flavor and amazing places. 
A can of air from Natal contains:

10% Praia da Pontanegra
10% Genipabu
10% Morro do Careca
10% Lagoa Pitangui
10% Parque das Dunas
10% Cajueiro de Pirangi
10% Coluna Capitolina
10% Igreja do Galo
10% Rendas
10% Carne de Sol

A atmosfera de Natal - Cidade do Sol!!

A lata de ar alivia a saudade e cura o stress com boas lembranças!!
Ilustração exclusiva para Lata de Ar. Todos os direitos reservados,
Souvenir Brasil

Exclusive illustration for Canned Air All rights reserved 

Travelers know it: Many times what captivates us is exactly what we cannot take back home. The charm of the people, the scent of the streets, the cultural atmosphere ... the air!
I mean, things that until not long ago were impossible to take back home.
Now you can! Keep the good memories and sensations or give them as a present with  Air Can souvenir, available in many different versions: New York, Brazil, Curitiba, Foz do Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Brasilia, Camboriú, Florianópolis, Gramado, Natal and Fortaleza.
Photos, fridge magnets, city name bags, t-shirts showing  images of unforgettable places ... these are some of the memories that travelers usually take home when they return from a trip.
But some things are only left in memory ...
The cans contain all sensory ingredients of your trip, times and memorable places. Keep these memories forever.
The scent of Rua das Flores, Curitiba; Avenida Paulista, São Paulo; the Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro; the Iguaçu Falls, Foz; Pelourinho, Salvador, and many other cities.
The Air Can relieves stress and brings back those good memories.
A new concept in souvenir
Great Visual Appeal
Take the spirit and atmosphere of the city with you!
• Prazo para postagem:
• Código do produto: 36239A
• Quantidade mínima: 1
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